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Information & Referral

Helping Hands


02 4353 1750





Our volunteers and staff are a wealth of knowledge on local services, activities and programs.

We can give you information on all our internal activities and programs or on external services and their programs.

If we don't know something, we will find out for you or help you find out by providing a starting point or simply giving you free access to our phone, internet or computer.

Information is provided over the phone and in person as well as via this website and our Facebook Pages.....


We regularly refer our members to a variety of different services through two different pathways..

Passive (or cool) Referral

Where we provide information about another service in the form of a brochure. business card, phone number, email/web address or some other form of verbal or written format.

Assisted (or warm) Referral

Where we do something to assist our members to access another service. This could mean making a phone call or writing a letter of introduction for a member or printing/drawing a map to help someone locate the service, filling out a specific referral form or undertaking to conduct an Assisted Referral interview that leads into a short-term service plan to assist the member further, whilst they are accessing other services (internal and external).

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